Oxygen Wars is a Semifinalist!

Check it out! More great news!

If you haven’t already, please check out our “friends & family” round in our investor fundraiser at Wefunder for Oxygen Wars, the Movie: https://wefunder.com/oxygen.wars.movie.llc/….

We are ‘testing the waters’ to gauge investor interest in an offering under Regulation Crowdfunding. No money or other consideration is being solicited. If sent, it will not be accepted. No offer to buy securities will be accepted. No part of the purchase price will be received until a Form C is filed and only through Wefunder’s platform. Any indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.


Thank you!


Great news! The Oxygen Wars screenplay has made it to the Quarterfinals in the Stage 32 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Contest. Keep your fingers crossed…

As you may know, we at AlbinoPigGorilla Studio are about to start a fundraising campaign to put a budget together to produce Oxygen Wars as a live-action/CGI feature.

@Stage32 @Stage32Scripts

A New Children’s Book From AlbinoPigGorilla Press: “Do Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears?”

“Do Butterflies Drink Turtle Tears?” is our next proposed book project.

Here are some images for the book that I started with a friend, Terry Haley, and hope to publish through AlbinoPigGorilla Press.

The story revolves around two different species developing a symbiotic relationship in order to help one another. Their cooperation shows the other creatures of the forest has a community and help each other.

The story is about a symbiotic relationship between two critters that come from two very different backgrounds, however they learn to work together

Oxygen Wars Sells Out

The Tiniest Bookstore.

Well, of the first batch of hard copies that I ordered.

So, I’ve ordered 40 more hard copies, paperbacks to keep selling them the way I’ve been selling them, at my local cafe as I sit there working on stuff.

I don’t have numbers for online sales, but I know that folks have bought some. So, I’ll be getting that info eventually.

Oddly rather effective.
Angus, wondering where those next books are.

An Explosive Scene

Angus leaps to safety, along with some Attackers and Defenders, as the reactor blows.

What happens when you’re no longer a controlled pawn in a war?

“Melton Cartes’ Oxygen Wars has all the earmarks of a classic. Mr. Cartes has been able to combine the human emotions of wonder and the search for peace with the all too prevalent human lust for war in a way that can be understood by every generation. Though Oxygen Wars is set in a time that is centuries in our future, then as now, war rages on. And although Cartes’ warriors are genetically created, the soul of man is with them. This is a sleeper that will wake your heart and imagination. It is a must read for science fiction buffs and also those of us who enjoy reading of the triumph of the human spirit.”

— Jeanne M. Evans
The main character Angus leaps to safety as the terraforming plant's nuclear reactor blows.
Angus leaps to safety, along with some Attackers and Defenders, as the reactor blows.

Using his newly woken instincts, Angus has achieved something no one has done in a long time, a reactor meltdown of a terraforming plant.

Cover Design for Oxygen Wars novel

Buy Oxygen Wars now from Amazon or your favorite online book retailer in paperback or e-book.

#conceptdrawings, #productiondesign, #sciencefiction, #novel, #scifinovel, #clones, #digitalpainting

Oxygen Wars, the Novel

Check out my novel, OXYGEN WARS, available from all online book retailers, paperback and ebook.

War has finally become corporate —

There is a significant difference between waging a war and winning a war. Technology will make the former an automated function while the latter will remain the responsibility of humans. Automation will make it easier for corporations to direct their will throughout the universe while the price, as usual, will be paid by the pitiful foot soldier.


Faraway in a distant future, a desolate dirt planet is home to thousands of human clone soldiers fighting an endless war in fully-mechanized, armored atmosphere suits. Damage sustained to one soldier’s communication system during battle renders him invisible to his comrades. Unrecognizable without his communication chip, Angus is on his own.

Left to his own devices, Angus wanders the planet in search of some direction.


Injured during battle, Monica is found by Angus buried under debris. Alienated from their fellow soldiers, they are free for the first time in their lives to question the relentless automation that has driven them. As they learn the truth behind the war and their forsaken world, their dormant humanity finally awakens.

The Screenplay

Oxygen Wars is an idea that first took form as a screenplay with the collaboration of my friend and frequent writing partner Daniel Merritt. We had this idea way back in high school. As time goes by, this concept gathers more and more pertinence, particularly as the world becomes more aware of the privatization of security and military forces.

Absent the control from the main computer running the war, Angus’ dormant humanity emerges as he slowly acknowledges the hostile beauty around him.


The novel was originally published through Heliographica Press, when I was part of that startup. The following reviews are from the Amazon page for the first edition.

“Melton Cartes’ Oxygen Wars has all the earmarks of a classic. Mr. Cartes has been able to combine the human emotions of wonder and the search for peace with the all too prevalent human lust for war in a way that can be understood by every generation. Though Oxygen Wars is set in a time that is centuries in our future, then as now, war rages on. And although Cartes’ warriors are genetically created, the soul of man is with them. This is a sleeper that will wake your heart and imagination. It is a must read for science fiction buffs and also those of us who enjoy reading of the triumph of the human spirit.”

— Jeanne M. Evans

“Angus 7873 begins simply as another soldier in another war in another place. The author does a masterful job in transforming this human clone soldier into a quite believable character. I read few science fiction books because I often get lost in the details of the numerous gadgets, plot twists and similar matters that are possible with that genre. Oxygen Wars, however, has a crisp plot, few characters and was a good three sitting read for me.”

— D. R. Smith

“…the strength of this book is in the themes the author has selected. Specifically, rather than going with the typical good v. evil plotline so common in science fiction, the author chose to explore something much deeper: are we objective thinkers or merely doing as we’re told; do we live to work or work to live; the power of questioning society to assert our personal freedom. Although there’s plenty of combat and action in the book, it’s these solid themes that the average person will relate to.”

— M. Rozmarin